WASHINGTON, D.C.- Today, the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA), a coalition of the 30 leading national Hispanic organizations, welcomed Latino Justice PRLDEF and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health. The two new organizations will be the latest additions to the NHLA, a national coalition that seeks to promote the public policy goals of the Latino community. With these new additions, the NHLA will be able to continue to be at the forefront of fighting for Latino rights and ensure that the Latino voice is not only heard, but respected.

Hector E. Sanchez, Chair of the NHLA, stated, “The NHLA is honored to have Latino Justice and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health join our coalition. Latino Justice PRLDEF has a long and storied history fighting on behalf of Latinos through the legal system. The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health has a strong track record of advocating for some of the most vulnerable individuals within the Latino community, women, and ensuring that they are able to access the critical medical services they need. With these new additions, the NHLA can effectively continue to advocate on behalf of the Latino community and ensure that its priorities are realized.”

Brent Wilkes, Executive Director of LULAC, stated, “As a coalition we are only as strong as our members and Latino Justice PRLDEF and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health continue the tradition of having strong, deeply involved, and Latino-oriented organizations form the foundation of a dynamic and effective coalition. We look forward to working with these organizations in the months ahead and maximizing their unique skills and experiences in order to order to continue to fight on behalf of the Latino community.”

Jessica González-Rojas, Executive Director of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, stated, “The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health is thrilled to join this distinguished coalition of leading Latino organization in advancing a collective Latino agenda. We look forward to offering our expertise and vision in ensuring that the health needs of Latinas are elevated as a critical element in our inclusive agenda.”